ArchivesBudapest City Archives
DatabaseOfficials of Óbuda before 1873
NameRutkay, Gregor
Parallel formsRuttkay
Religion róm.kat.
Place of origin Settlement: Óbuda
Country: Magyar
County/Region: Pest
Current name of place of origin: Budapest
Position (Standardized form)városhadnagy
Location/Administrative unitÓbuda
Organization/Corporate body (Standardized form)Óbuda mezőváros Tanácsa
Date (from)1828
Date (end)1829
Position (Standardized form)városhadnagy
Location/Administrative unitÓbuda
Organization/Corporate body (Standardized form)Óbuda mezőváros Tanácsa
Date (from)1837.11.25.
Date (end)1839.12.17.

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